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Southern Grace Josephine 4*M
DOB: 12/11/2019 disbudded Black with white, moonspots

Sire: Southern Grace Jack Frost *B
SS: Elite Sinai Thunder O Jubilee +*B *S
SD: GCH Gypsy Moon ES Snow Bunny 1*M
Dam: SG Sinai Thunder V Saphronia Day 3*M 2*DAR- LA: EEEE92, VEEV 90
DS: Sycamore SS Peg Valor +*S +*B
DD: SG Little Tots Estate ST Tiqvah 2*M *DAR, VEEE 91
Josephine "Joey" is one we hope to add more of in our herd. She is nice and level, wide, and deep bodied. She is a sweet doe which is a major plus!

SG Sinai Thunder V Saphronia Day 3*M 2*DAR
Southern Grace Josephine 4*M

Photo courtesy to Ellen Dorsey

Joey 21 day post kidding fill
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