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Southern Grace Little Dipper
DOB: 10/20/2022 disbudded solid black

Sire: Southern Grace Up On Calvary *B
SS: CH Buffolo Clover Huey Long +B
SD: GCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Cabernet 2*M VEVE 90
Dam: Southern Grace Wonder's Star
DS: Rosasharn MM Jack N Coke *B
DD:SG Sinai Thunder O Hosanna 5*M 3*DAR - LA: EEEV 90, Ex90
Dipper will freshen in the fall 2024 and we are so excited to see this Calvary daughter! She has promising genetics and we are excited to see her come together.

GCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Cabernet 2*M VEVE 90
Southern Grace Wonder's Star (2nd freshening)

Photo courtesy to Southern Grace

photo courtesy to Southern grace
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