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Barlow Sunny
DOB: 4/12/2020 disbudded Chamoisee/Gold Combo

Sire: Aries KS Prince *B
SS: SGCH Proctor Hill Farm KS Kingspear B+ EEE92
SD: SG Aries TKY Evening Tide 5*M AR2019 EEEV90
​Dam: 5SL Cookie Dough CP
DS: Hinote YG Chart Topper
DD: 5SL Chantilly Lace
Sunny is a part of our original starting herd. She has a power deep body and front end. I am so excited to freshen the daughter we have from her. She's one of our sweetest does.

SG Aries TKY Evening Tide 5*M EEEV90
5SL Cookie Dough CP
Barlow Sunny

Photo courtesy to Aries

Sunny pre kidding no fill
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